Sin control la extracción de agua en Haití

En Haití se juntan el desgobierno, la falta de recursos económicos y el abuso de las empresas en una combinación fatal para gran parte de la población que. Un ciclo vicioso de explotación de recursos en momentos en que el cambio climático extiende los períodos de sequía en el Caribe.

Out-of-control Water Extraction in Haiti

While the State does nothing to solve access to drinking water for more than 1.5 million Haitians in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince, private companies extract water from the main aquifer that supplies the region free of charge and uncontrollably. It’s water that does not pass through quality controls and is then sold to citizens at an inaccessible cost to many. This main source of drinking water, Cul-de-Sac, is contaminated. In Haiti, misgovernment, the lack of economic resources and abuse by companies come together in a fatal combination for a large part of the population that — for the most part lacks sanitary services or drinking water — becomes part of the vicious cycle of exploitation of the resource at a time when climate change extends the drought periods in the Caribbean, a joint investigation by the Center for Investigative Journalism and Le Nouvelliste revealed. The number of those lacking access to drinking water in the entire country is almost 6 million, which represents more than 40% of the population.

The shameful business that generates millions of dollars in Haiti and accelerates climate change

Haiti’s largest industry is ghostly. The charcoal business generated US$300 million in 2012 according to the Office of Mines and Energy. The money changes hands without putting a name and a face on those who pocket the colossal sum. It’s a total lack of transparency. Carbon production is done by farmers in wooded areas in Grand’Anse, on the country’s southern and northwestern sides.

El negocio de la vergüenza que genera millones de dólares en Haití y acelera el cambio climático

La industria más grande en Haití es fantasma. El negocio del carbón generó US$300 millones en el año 2012 según la Oficina de Minas y Energía. Es dinero que cambia de manos sin que se le pueda poner un nombre y una cara a quienes se embolsan la suma colosal. Es la opacidad total. La producción de carbón está en manos de los campesinos en las áreas boscosas de Grand’Anse, al sur y al noroeste del país.