Center for Investigative Journalism gets $100,000 from Facebook Journalism Project

The funding will help support the media outlet through the pandemic

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Part of CPI's staff in a editorial meeting

Photo by Gabriel López Albarrán | Center for Investigative Journalism

The Facebook Journalism Project announced today it is awarding $16 million in funds to support the operations of more than 200 news organizations in the United States and the territories. Among those selected is the Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI, in Spanish), which will receive a contribution of $100,000 for its coverage related to the coronavirus pandemic through investigations, fact checking and litigation. The CPI was chosen among 2,000 news outlets that competed for the COVID-19 Local News Relief Fund Grant Program.

Almost 40% of the media outlets selected are digital publications and just over one-third are nonprofit entities.

Campbell Brown, vice president of global news partnerships at Facebook, said about the staff of the selected entities that: “Not only are these journalists working tirelessly to serve people right now, but they’re focused on transformation, building innovative local news businesses that can continue to serve communities beyond the current pandemic.”

In keeping with the goal of the funding program, which aims to lay the foundation for the selected media outlet’s sustainability, in the CPI’s case, it will be invested in journalists, photojournalists, analysts and data experts, litigation expenses, equipment, publication in social networks, as well as in the general administration of the organization’s operations, among other areas.

Carla Minet, executive director of the CPI, said: “We welcome the support of the Facebook Journalism Project as an encouragement to media outlets that, like ours, make a valuable social contribution and are confirmed as an indispensable asset at times like this. We’re very proud of the work that our team has done, and we see this as recognition of that track record. We exist largely due to the support from readers, foundations and corporate sponsors, and this model has protected our independence when it comes to our investigations. This boost from Facebook helps us to be more confident that in this time of crisis and uncertainty, we can continue to do more and better journalism for the country’s benefit.”

In Puerto Rico, besides the Center for Investigative Journalism, El Nuevo Día newspaper was also among those selected.

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