LUMA Doesn’t Follow Its Own Emergency Plan

In the Bauta Abajo sector in Orocovis, in the central mountainous region, there are no power lines or poles on the ground. But 12 days after Hurricane Fiona, which produced devastating floods in southwestern Puerto Rico on September 18, the 1,308 people who live in this neighborhood are battling a storm of isolation and lack of electricity.

LUMA no cumple con lo que dice su plan para emergencias

OROCOVIS — En el barrio Bauta Abajo en Orocovis no se ven cables del tendido eléctrico ni postes en el suelo. Pero a 12 días del azote del huracán Fiona, que produjo inundaciones devastadoras en el suroeste de Puerto Rico, las 1,308 personas que residen en este barrio batallan contra el ciclón del aislamiento y la falta de energía. Son las dos menos cinco de la tarde del primer sábado de octubre y el ruido de una pequeña planta eléctrica de 2,000 vatios obliga a doña Plácedes Virgen Collazo Colón a levantar la voz. Tiene 71 años, es paciente de obesidad mórbida y llama a su esposo para que la ayude a coger un pequeño envase donde están sus medicinas. El movimiento, en teoría, es fácil.

Formalizing Community Aqueducts is a Discouraging Process in Puerto Rico

The procedure for community aqueducts to legalize their franchises and maintain their operation is so complicated, bureaucratic, and devoid of technical support that it discourages communities from formalizing the systems that carries water to their homes because of the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority’s inability to provide the service.

Community Aqueducts Struggle to Recover After Hurricane María

Of the 242 community aqueduct systems legally registered in Puerto Rico as franchises, 31% have not requested recovery funds for the damages caused to infrastructure by Hurricanes Irma and María in September 2017, according to data from the Government’s Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction and Resiliency (COR3). Although the reasons are different for each community aqueduct, not owning the land where the equipment and wells are located, the number of documents that the federal government requires, and the lack of orientation to those who administer these systems, are some of the causes for which these entities fall short of the requirements to apply for funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and COR3. As of this week, a total of 167 community aqueducts have requested recovery funds, said COR3 press spokeswoman Maura Ríos Poll. Of these, 150 have already gotten the obligation of the money, according to data from the COR3 website, and 21 of those have not yet received any disbursement. There are 242 community aqueducts recognized as franchises by the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DRNA, in Spanish).