Puerto Rico Police’s Crisis Intervention Program Falls Short
In a considerable amount of cases where use of force was reported, the incident involved people experiencing a mental health crisis.
In a considerable amount of cases where use of force was reported, the incident involved people experiencing a mental health crisis.
Un número considerable de los usos de fuerza que reporta la Policía son contra personas que atraviesan una crisis.
Las operaciones fueran paralizadas por el Municipio de San Juan por incumplir con los permisos requeridos.
Las operaciones fueran paralizadas por el Municipio de San Juan por incumplir con los permisos requeridos.
Paradiso College Preparatory Real Estate Two acknowledged that the permit it obtained to operate that charter school is invalid.
Paradiso College Preparatory Real Estate Two, LLC — corporación a través de la cual se compró el edificio que alberga la Escuela Alianza Paradiso College Preparatory en Río Piedras — aceptó que el permiso único que obtuvo para operar esa chárter no es válido.
Parents walked toward the corner of Ponce de León Street in Río Piedras, from Amalia Marín Street or José Gándara Avenue, to drop off their children dressed in khaki shorts and navy-blue polo shirt bearing the logo of the new Alianza Paradiso College Preparatory School, on Wednesday, their first day of school. “Divinitus Inspirata Discite Quid Est” reads the badge embroidered on the boys’ shirts and the overalls worn by the girls.
On the Facebook social network, the executive director of the charter school that does not have a signed contract with the Department of Education (DE) nor completed the location consultation process to run a school there, Robert Acosta, welcomed the new students. “Today we welcome all our students of the 2023-2024 school year #conocetuescuela (meet your school),” he wrote. On Tuesday morning, in the Ponce de León building, workers hung location consultation signs for the school that began operating on Wednesday in a structure classified for commercial tourist use. There, Acosta’s executive assistant, Doralba Rivera, was unable to show the agreement to the Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI, in Spanish), which she said was signed “in the summer,” because she did not have the document handy.
Paradiso College Preparatory se saltó la consulta de ubicación que debía completar antes de obtener el permiso para operar la escuela en Río Piedras, una acción que el alcalde Miguel Romero catalogó de “altamente irregular”.