The CPI launched the “El Buscador de la Junta” platform as a response to the lack of transparency of the organization imposed by the United States Government and Congress. As part of the presentation, the forum “The Board’s Archives Revealed” was held on Thursday.
El CPI lanzó la plataforma “El Buscador de la Junta” como una respuesta a la falta de transparencia del organismo impuesto por el Gobierno y el Congreso de Estados Unidos. Como parte de la presentación, el jueves se realizó el foro “Los archivos de la Junta al descubierto”.
The Fiscal Control Board turned to the United States Supreme Court this Wednesday seeking the reversal of a recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit that orders the delivery of the information.
La cifra incluye el gasto en abogados y asesores tanto del Gobierno, la JCF y los comités oficiales que representan a los retirados y los acreedores no asegurados en los casos de Título III, detallaron los funcionarios. También incluye el presupuesto de la JCF, que ronda actualmente los $60 millones, en momentos en que la Legislatura busca detener los desembolsos al ente rector.
Examiner’s first interim report raises flags over deficiencies in the billing process of attorneys and consultants retained by the Fiscal Control Board, the Government and official committees. The tab for the first five months of the Title III bankruptcy cases amounts to more than $77 million and will be paid with public funds.
The most recent version of Puerto Rico’s fiscal plan for its central government would chart the future of the country, giving some degree of certainty to citizens, businesses and investors to bet on the island’s dismal economy. Yet it is built on economic projections totally incompatible with the historical experience of places that have been destroyed by hurricanes the world over. The plan also clashes with what has been Puerto Rico’s economic trajectory. In the past 30 years, the economy has never reached annual growth such as that estimated for fiscal year 2019 by the financial team of Governor Ricardo Rosselló Nevares. The group is led by Christian Sobrino, governor’s representative before the Fiscal Control Board (FCB), chief economic adviser to the governor, president of the Government Development Bank and chairman of the Financial Advisory & Fiscal Agency Authority (AAFAF by its Spanish acronym); and Gerardo Portela, executive director of AAFAF and by virtue of his position, member of the boards of directors of all public corporations.
En lugar de la jueza federal Laura Taylor Swain, será la jueza Lauracelis Roque, del Tribunal de Primera Instancia en San Juan será quien decida el caso en el cual el Centro de Periodismo Investigativo (CPI) solicita al gobierno de Puerto Rico una serie de documentos públicos intercambiados con la Junta de Control Fiscal.
Este jueves, 3 de noviembre habrá una vista ante el juez federal Francisco Besosa donde se verá la demanda consolidada de Peaje Investment, Assured Guaranty y Altair Global que buscan que se levante la suspensión de litigios que impuso PROMESA y que se restituyan fondos que alegadamente el gobierno movió entre agencias para evitar pagos de deuda.