
Machismo took their mothers

16 de December 2021


Since Hurricane María, 71 women have been victims of intimate femicides in Puerto Rico, and at least 49 had children. Some had more than one. They are invisible children for the system, due to the lack of a public policy that compiles their statistics, a task that has fallen to non-governmental organizations. This results in the absence of public services aimed at supporting them in their growth. For their part, the grandmothers who are left in charge of many of these motherless minors do not receive accompaniment or financial support. What has been proposed to address this issue?

Cristina del Mar Quiles' investigation for the Center for Investigative Journalism and Todas, identifies the problem and investigates solutions that are on the table. The investigation was made possible as part of the Domestic Violence Impact Reporting 2021 grant program from the Center for Health Journalism at the USC Annenberg School of Journalism.

This Series


The Children Whose Mothers Were Taken Away by Machismo

December 16, 2021

“Where’s mom?,” asks Sgt. Roberto Mercado at the doorway of the light green house, located in the La Fuente neighborhood, in the town of Florida.

Behind the window, a 2-year-old boy responds by looking down at the floor next to him.

“For me, it was a sign that his mom was dead,” says the Puerto Rico Police negotiator about the femicide that he had to handle on the afternoon of June 30, 2018.

Mothers of Femicide Victims Rescue their Grandchildren

December 17, 2021

Many of the mothers of femicide victims ignore their own trauma and loss to take care of the grandchildren who were orphaned by sexist violence.

Series Authors

Cristina del Mar Quiles

Cristina del Mar Quiles

Periodista y educadora. Ha trabajado por los pasados 10 años en prensa escrita, radio, multimedios y de manera independiente como reportera, editora y productora. Su experiencia incluye trabajos para los diarios Primera Hora y El Nuevo Día, la agencia de noticias Inter News Service, el noticiario Hoy en las Noticias de Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico, y el diario digital NotiCel. Además, ha colaborado con Democracy Now!, el blog de activismo contra el acoso callejero Stop Street Harassment y la BBC de Londres. Posee un máster en comunicación y periodismo digital, grado conjunto de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, y una maestría en Orientación y Consejería de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Ha sido alumna de la Fundación Gabriel García Márquez para el Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano en Cartagena, Medellín y Bogotá, Colombia. Su trabajo periodístico ha sido reconocido por la Asociación de Periodistas de Puerto Rico y por el Overseas Press Club, Capítulo de Puerto Rico.


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