
San Juan Bay, flanked by yachts and tourists

3 de March 2023


The privatization and redevelopment projects of the piers along the southern end of the islet of San Juan will spur changes to Old San Juan, Puerta de Tierra and other nearby areas of the capital, residents, entrepreneurs, and academics told the Center for Investigative Journalism.

They’re certain that these projects will prompt changes in San Juan’s geography and will affect the types of services, as well as access to affordable housing.

The Government, along with several private companies, announced a project for piers 6, 7 and 8 “that will include an amphitheater, an urban forest, floating beaches, and an area for a market and restaurants.”

In addition, there are two other projects that imply profound changes to Old San Juan’s infrastructure: the construction of a Hard Rock hotel facing the bay behind the Treasury Department; and the remodeling of piers 9 and 10 for luxury yachts.

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Series Authors

Centro de Periodismo Investigativo

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