
Pandemic in Paradise

8 de December 2021


The precariousness of public resources and services, cultural practices and political crises are the main barriers that lead to the lack of reliable statistics and prevent knowing the real impact of COVID-19 in several countries of the Caribbean region, concludes this collaborative investigation, in which journalists from Haiti, Guadeloupe, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico worked together.

Among the most critical cases in terms of dealing with the pandemic are Haiti, Guadeloupe and Martinique, where in 2021 the infection rate increased dramatically and the official numbers on deaths associated with COVID-19 shouldn’t be taken at face value.

In Puerto Rico, the most recent data points to a change in the profile of people who have died from this virus, since in December 2020 it was mostly people over 70 years old, but in August 2021 there was an increase in deaths by the virus among people aged 30 to 59 years.

The investigative series was made possible in part with the support of Para la Naturaleza, Open Society Foundations and the Fondation Connaissance et Liberté (FOKAL).

This Series

Distrust in Vaccines and Uncounted Deaths: This is the Pandemic in the Caribbean

December 8, 2021

The islands of the Caribbean are similar in their turquoise beaches that captivate tourists, but their handling of the pandemic has been full of contrasts. When the Cayman Islands had 81% of its population fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at the end of October 2021, Haiti, with 0.3%, was one of the three countries in the world with the least number of people vaccinated. And in Guadeloupe, despite having doses to spare, most of the population does not want to be immunized.

‘Dramatic’ change in mortality profile due to COVID-19 in Puerto Rico

December 9, 2021

A month after Gov. Pedro Pierluisi eliminated the key protection measures related to COVID-19, virus-related deaths in Puerto Rico saw a rebound that nearly reached the level of the highest peak of mortality of the entire pandemic.

covid-19 haiti

The Setbacks of the Management of COVID-19 in Haiti

December 13, 2021

Without massive testing and no comprehensive mortality statistics, it is impossible to quantify how many people have been infected and died of COVID-19 in Haiti. But one thing is certain, Haitian health authorities have not had control over the spread of the virus in the country.

Covid-19 Guadeloupe

Mortality Skyrockets in the French Caribbean during the Post-Vaccine Pandemic

December 14, 2021

Almost two years after the beginning of the pandemic, it remains difficult to know the number of COVID-19 deaths that have notably occurred outside hospitals in Guadeloupe and Martinique, which have 40% and 41% vaccination rates. Amid the COVID-19 vaccination, an insurrection has sparked.

Series Authors

Centro de Periodismo Investigativo

Centro de Periodismo Investigativo

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