Medioscopio desarrolla jóvenes con mirada crítica hacia los medios de comunicación

Ser portavoces de su comunidad y analizar las noticias con pensamiento crítico son las principales lecciones de un grupo de jóvenes de Loíza, que participaron durante cuatro meses en talleres con un abogado, un fotógrafo, una educadora antirracista, bibliotecarios, líderes comunitarios y, sobre todo, muchos periodistas. “Sé cómo contar mi verdad”. “Conozco herramientas para identificar las noticias falsas”. “Veo perspectivas diferentes”. Estos fueron algunos de los planteamientos que los estudiantes entre las edades de 14 a 19 años expusieron durante la evaluación final de Medioscopio, un proyecto de alfabetización mediática y desarrollo de reporteros ciudadanos.

Medioscopio Trains Youngsters to Have a Critical Eye Toward the Media

Acting as spokespeople for their community and applying critical thinking to analyze the news are the main lessons given to a group of youngsters from Loíza who participated in workshops during four months with a lawyer, a photographer, an anti-racism educator, librarians, community leaders, and, above all, many journalists. “I know how to tell my truth.” “I learned about tools to identify fake news.” “I see different perspectives.” Those were some of the statements that students between the ages of 14 and 19 presented during the final evaluation of Medioscopio, a project to teach media literacy and develop citizen reporters. On May 14, the inner courtyard of the Puerto Rico Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), in Santurce became the exhibition hall for these students’ final projects. For 13 consecutive Saturdays, the youngsters got up at 8 a.m. and went to the Gregorio Goyín Lanzó Cirino Community Center, in Parcelas Suárez in Loíza. The workshops, through this pilot project, supported by the Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI, in Spanish) and the MAC en el Barrio program were mostly offered there.

Official Documents From the Governor’s Friend’s Case Show Others Were Involved in the Scheme

The plea agreement by Joseph ‘Joey’ Fuentes Fernández, Governor Pedro Pierluisi’s friend, for setting up a scheme to conceal the identity of the donors of the Super Political Action Committee Salvemos a Puerto Rico through the creation of shell corporations Fundación Pro Igualdad Inc., and Foundation for Progress, anticipate other possible convictions of donors and coordinators mentioned in the case documents, several attorneys familiar with electoral law agreed. The timeline of the facts, the identification of other people in the case’s official documents and the Federal Prosecutor’s Office’s report that they have text messages between Fuentes Fernández and other participants, are an invitation to those who donated violating the limits to the officers of the phantom organizations and other participants in the Salvemos a Puerto Rico scheme to cooperate with the authorities, said Héctor Luis Acevedo, professor of Political Science, Electoral and Constitutional Law. Joey’ Fuentes Fernández, Governor Pedro Pierluisi’s friend, pleaded guilty to scheming to lie to the Federal Election Commission.Screenshot

He believes that the Federal Prosecutor’s Office’s strategy of filing first against Fuentes Fernández, who managed the Super PAC, getting him to plead guilty with a relatively kind treatment, sends the message to others that they will not be treated well if they do not cooperate. This includes Individual 1, an associate of the then gubernatorial candidate who is described as “a significant fundraiser” seeking donations in support of his 2020 election campaign. The official documents of the case mention that this Pierluisi associate exchanged text messages, emails, and other digital messaging applications between Fuentes and Individual 2, who was the secretary of the ghost foundations, in which they discussed aspects of his scheme to avoid reporting to the real donors.

Breakers Where the General Blackout Happened Were To Be Replaced in December 2021 by PREPA

The area in the switchyard where the Central Costa Sur fire occurred, which caused the general blackout last Wednesday, should have been renovated four months ago, in December 2021, according to the original infrastructure plan through which the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) will access $10.7 billion in federal recovery funds. But, after LUMA’s arrival in June 2021, as operator of the transmission and distribution system, the processes were delayed. The completion date for the repairs at the plant was postponed to February 2023, according to documents from the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), that the Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI, in Spanish) reviewed. 

Avería en breaker de salida de Unidad #5 de Costa Sur al 230kv ocasionó la salida de las unidades 5 y 6 de la Central. El sistema de protección del sistema eléctrico sacó de servicio el resto de las unidades que estaban generando.— Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (@AEEONLINE) April 7, 2022

The recovery work in Costa Sur, Guayanilla, included replacing four switches of the 230-kilowatt transmission lines because they have already completed their useful life and are obsolete.

La AEE planificaba cambiar en diciembre los interruptores en los que se originó el apagón

El área de interruptores donde ocurrió el incendio de la Central Costa Sur, que provocó el gran apagón del pasado miércoles, debió estar renovada hace cuatro meses, en diciembre de 2021. Así estaba pautado en el plan de trabajo original con el que la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE) accederá a $10.7 mil millones en fondos federales de recuperación. Pero, tras la entrada de LUMA en junio de 2021 para administrar el sistema de transmisión y distribución, los procesos se retrasaron y la fecha para completar las reparaciones en la central se pospuso para febrero de 2023, según se desprende de documentos del Negociado de Energía y de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA), revisados por el Centro de Periodismo Investigativo.  

Avería en breaker de salida de Unidad #5 de Costa Sur al 230kv ocasionó la salida de las unidades 5 y 6 de la Central. El sistema de protección del sistema eléctrico sacó de servicio el resto de las unidades que estaban generando.— Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (@AEEONLINE) April 7, 2022

Las labores de recuperación en Costa Sur, Guayanilla, incluían reemplazar cuatro interruptores de las líneas de transmisión de 230 kilovatios, porque ya cumplieron su vida útil y están obsoletos.