San Juan, PR – The Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI, in Spanish) today sued the Puerto Rico Land Authority (ATPR, in Spanish) for ignoring a request for access to public information about the composition and minutes of its Governing Board.   

Since January 23, 2024, journalist and founder of Bonita Radio, Carmen Enid Acevedo, who received a scholarship from the CPI Journalism Training Institute, requested by email from Irving Rodríguez executive director of the ATPR the minutes of the Governing Board meetings, the composition of the Board, and who have been its secretaries from 2018 to the present, . After several days without getting a response, the journalist went to the Land Authority headquarters to follow up. She was told it was necessary to submit her request for information, again, in writing. After making the requested arrangements and informing at least three agency officials about the request, in person and in writing, including the executive director of the ATPR, Irving Rodríguez, Acevedo  waited for several days without getting a response and then called the agency several times until they told her again that they were working on her request. But as of today, more than 10 weeks after the original request, the requested information has not been received.

Ser policía en Puerto Rico multiplica por cuatro las probabilidades de convertirse en feminicida

De acuerdo con el análisis más reciente de la organización Kilómetro 0, los miembros de la Policía superan cuatro veces la cifra esperada de feminicidas cuando se compara la cantidad de personas feminicidas en los últimos seis años dentro y fuera de esa agencia.

Se comprometen con atender la falta de direcciones en Loíza

El secretario de la Vivienda, William Rodríguez, y la alcaldesa de Loíza, Julia Nazario, prometieron — durante un conversatorio comunitario organizado por la Unidad Investigativa del Género — que priorizarán la identificación en las estructuras y calles de ese pueblo costero mediante un programa piloto, que desde esa noche tiene fondos para ocuparse de la situación.